(US) United States

Mapmaker: Southern Pacific Co.

(US) United States


  • ~Catalog 59~
  • (US - Railroads) (Southern Pacific Lines United States)

    A dramatic and uncommon promotional map done by the Southern Pacific that looks at the routes throughout the US. "Done in the old style, (this map) indicates Southern Pacific's four great routes to the Pacific Coast. Following the trails of the pioneers, they are the best natural routes to the land of scenery and romance". Indeed the four routes ("Sunset", "Golden State", "Overland", and "Shasta") are shown with some vignettes of key sights along the way, along with some connecting lines extending to the entire US, as well as Mexico and Canada. Each route has a vignette above, while twelve vignettes flank the sides telling the story of rail from "President Lincoln signs Pacific Railroad Act" in 1862 to the driving of the golden spike, and more. Southern Pacific history appears quickly in these historical vignettes as the Sunset route reaches New Orleans in 1883, the S.P. acquires a Steamship line in 1885, up to the E.P.&S.W. becoming part of the S.P., all the way to "Today" where the Southern Pacific is still building and serving.

    Condition is excellent, crisp sheet with bright color. Image size is approximately 23.25 x 32.25 (inches)