(AZ) Grand Canyon National Park and Vicinity map, colorado river

Mapmaker: U.S.G.S.

(AZ) Grand Canyon National Park and Vicinity

1972 (c.1998)
Regular price $135.00
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  • Arizona
  • Colorado River
  • Grand Canyon
  • (AZ) Grand Canyon National Park and Vicinity, U.S.G.S.,  1972 (c.1998)
    A map that you can fall into, and lose yourself in. Easily an apex instance of depicting this dynamic area. Developed from the 1962, this is the "Shaded Relief Edition" that doesn't
    miss a thing. Reaches from the Kanab Plateau, to Tatahatso Point, and down to the the South Rim. Astounding. Condition very good, and wonderfully bright. Image size is 36 x 58 (inches) and has been printed on a durable tyvek like material.